Nous présentons ici les ouvrages parus grâce à l‘agence depuis début 2021

Sold to : Leduc
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 06 2024
Sold to Leduc, Client Rowohlt, Published  06 2024
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2024
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2024
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2024
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2024
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2024
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2024
Sold to : Pocket Jeunesse
Client : Arena
Published : 05 2024
Sold to Pocket Jeunesse, Client Arena, Published  05 2024
Sold to : Piper
Client : Bragelonne
Published : 05 2024
Sold to Piper, Client Bragelonne, Published  05 2024
Sold to : Prisma
Client : Rowohlt Kyss
Published : 05 2024
Sold to Prisma, Client Rowohlt Kyss, Published  05 2024
Sold to : Jeanne & Juliette
Client : Catherine Delors
Published : 05 2024
Sold to Jeanne & Juliette, Client Catherine Delors, Published  05 2024
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2024
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2024
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2024
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2024
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2024
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2024
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2024
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2024
Sold to : De Saxus
Client : Baumhaus
Published : 04 2024
Sold to De Saxus, Client Baumhaus, Published  04 2024
Sold to : Minedition
Client : Thienemann
Published : 04 2024
Sold to Minedition, Client Thienemann, Published  04 2024
Sold to : dotbooks
Client : Brigitte Pons
Published : 04 2024
Sold to dotbooks, Client Brigitte Pons, Published  04 2024
Sold to : City éditions
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 04 2024
Sold to City éditions, Client Rowohlt, Published  04 2024
Sold to : Ecole des Loisirs
Client : Thienemann
Published : 04 2024
Sold to Ecole des Loisirs, Client Thienemann, Published  04 2024
Sold to : Slalom
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2024
Sold to Slalom, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2024
Sold to : Harper Collins
Client : Fanny André
Published : 04 2024
Sold to Harper Collins, Client Fanny André, Published  04 2024
Sold to : Heyne
Client : Christian Kuhn
Published : 03 2024
Sold to Heyne, Client Christian Kuhn, Published  03 2024
Sold to : La Martinière
Client : Thienemann
Published : 03 2024
Sold to La Martinière, Client Thienemann, Published  03 2024
Sold to : Sarbacane
Client : Alexandre Chardin
Published : 03 2024
Sold to Sarbacane, Client Alexandre Chardin, Published  03 2024
Sold to : Scholastic
Client : Bayard
Published : 03 2024
Sold to Scholastic, Client Bayard, Published  03 2024
Sold to : Albin Michel
Client : Dumont
Published : 03 2024
Sold to Albin Michel, Client Dumont, Published  03 2024
Sold to : Pocket Jeunesse
Client : Scholastic
Published : 03 2024
Sold to Pocket Jeunesse, Client Scholastic, Published  03 2024
Sold to : Emons
Client : Julia Bruns
Published : 03 2024
Sold to Emons, Client Julia Bruns, Published  03 2024
Sold to : Verdier
Client : Hoffmann&Campe
Published : 03 2024
Sold to Verdier, Client Hoffmann&Campe, Published  03 2024
Sold to : L’extrême contemporain
Client : S.Fischer
Published : 02 2024
Sold to L’extrême contemporain, Client S.Fischer, Published  02 2024
Sold to : Auzou
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2024
Sold to Auzou, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2024
Sold to : Steinkis
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 02 2024
Sold to Steinkis, Client Rowohlt, Published  02 2024
Sold to : Actes Sud
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 01 2024
Sold to Actes Sud, Client Rowohlt, Published  01 2024
Sold to : Moissons Noires
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 01 2024
Sold to Moissons Noires, Client Rowohlt, Published  01 2024
Sold to : éditions rue d'Ulm
Client : S.Fischer
Published : 01 2024
Sold to éditions rue d'Ulm, Client S.Fischer, Published  01 2024
Sold to : Albin Michel Jeunesse
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2024
Sold to Albin Michel Jeunesse, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2024
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2024
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2024
Sold to : Lübbe
Client : Thomas Fraunhoffer
Published : 12 2023
Sold to Lübbe, Client Thomas Fraunhoffer, Published  12 2023
Sold to : Pocket Jeunesse
Client : Arena
Published : 11 2023
Sold to Pocket Jeunesse, Client Arena, Published  11 2023
Sold to : Actes Sud
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 11 2023
Sold to Actes Sud, Client Rowohlt, Published  11 2023
Sold to : Albin Michel
Client : Fischer
Published : 11 2023
Sold to Albin Michel, Client Fischer, Published  11 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 11 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  11 2023
Sold to : Edition TZ
Client : Matthias Beland
Published : 11 2023
Sold to Edition TZ, Client Matthias Beland, Published  11 2023
Sold to : Actes Sud
Client : DTV
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Actes Sud, Client DTV, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Le Masque
Client : Dumont
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Le Masque, Client Dumont, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Les Arenes
Client : Kossack Agency
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Les Arenes, Client Kossack Agency, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Michel Lafon
Client : Coppenrath
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Michel Lafon, Client Coppenrath, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Pocket Jeunesse
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Pocket Jeunesse, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Minedition
Client : Oetinger
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Minedition, Client Oetinger, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Minedition
Client : Oetinger
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Minedition, Client Oetinger, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Charleston
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Charleston, Client Rowohlt, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Kampa
Client : Carlo Feber
Published : 10 2023
Sold to Kampa, Client Carlo Feber, Published  10 2023
Sold to : Gallimard Jeunesse
Client : Scholastic
Published : 09 2023
Sold to Gallimard Jeunesse, Client Scholastic, Published  09 2023
Sold to : Larousse
Client : Arena-Verlag
Published : 09 2023
Sold to Larousse, Client Arena-Verlag, Published  09 2023
Sold to : Larousse
Client : Arena-Verlag
Published : 09 2023
Sold to Larousse, Client Arena-Verlag, Published  09 2023
Sold to : Larousse
Client : Arena-Verlag
Published : 09 2023
Sold to Larousse, Client Arena-Verlag, Published  09 2023
Sold to : Emons
Client : Hannes Nygaard
Published : 09 2023
Sold to Emons, Client Hannes Nygaard, Published  09 2023
Sold to : Glénat
Client : Rowohlt-Verlag
Published : 09 2023
Sold to Glénat, Client Rowohlt-Verlag, Published  09 2023
Sold to : Juillard
Client : Dumont
Published : 08 2023
Sold to Juillard, Client Dumont, Published  08 2023
Sold to : Charleston
Client : DTV
Published : 08 2023
Sold to Charleston, Client DTV, Published  08 2023
Sold to : Emons
Client : Christof Gasser
Published : 08 2023
Sold to Emons, Client Christof Gasser, Published  08 2023
Sold to : Hachette Jeunesse
Client : Thienemann
Published : 07 2023
Sold to Hachette Jeunesse, Client Thienemann, Published  07 2023
Sold to : Eyrolles
Client : Fanny Gayral
Published : 07 2023
Sold to Eyrolles, Client Fanny Gayral, Published  07 2023
Sold to : L'Archipel
Client : Schlück Agency
Published : 07 2023
Sold to L'Archipel, Client Schlück Agency, Published  07 2023
Sold to : dotbooks
Client : Hannes Nygaard
Published : 06 2023
Sold to dotbooks, Client Hannes Nygaard, Published  06 2023
Sold to : Moissons Noires
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 06 2023
Sold to Moissons Noires, Client Rowohlt, Published  06 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2023
Sold to : Kampa
Client : Christof Gasser
Published : 06 2023
Sold to Kampa, Client Christof Gasser, Published  06 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2023
Sold to : Calmann-Lévy
Client : Droemer Knaur
Published : 06 2023
Sold to Calmann-Lévy, Client Droemer Knaur, Published  06 2023
Sold to : Albin Michel
Client : Dumont
Published : 05 2023
Sold to Albin Michel, Client Dumont, Published  05 2023
Sold to : Minedition
Client : Thienemann
Published : 05 2023
Sold to Minedition, Client Thienemann, Published  05 2023
Sold to : DTV
Client : Julia Bruns
Published : 05 2023
Sold to DTV, Client Julia Bruns, Published  05 2023
Sold to : Payot
Client : Fischer
Published : 05 2023
Sold to Payot, Client Fischer, Published  05 2023
Sold to : Kampa
Client : Julia Bruns
Published : 05 2023
Sold to Kampa, Client Julia Bruns, Published  05 2023
Sold to : Calmann-Lévy
Client : Droemer
Published : 05 2023
Sold to Calmann-Lévy, Client Droemer, Published  05 2023
Sold to : Hachette
Client : Loewe
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Hachette, Client Loewe, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Hachette
Client : Loewe
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Hachette, Client Loewe, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Michel Lafon
Client : Coppenrath
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Michel Lafon, Client Coppenrath, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Auzou
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Auzou, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Einaudi
Client : Magnard
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Einaudi , Client Magnard, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Mondadori
Client : Magnard
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Mondadori, Client Magnard, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Pocket Jeunesse
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Pocket Jeunesse, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Belfond
Client : Emilio Sciarrino
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Belfond, Client Emilio Sciarrino, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Pocket Jeunesse
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2023
Sold to Pocket Jeunesse, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2023
Sold to : Fleurus
Client : Loewe
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Fleurus, Client Loewe, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Heyne
Client : Christian Kuhn
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Heyne, Client Christian Kuhn, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Sixième(s)
Client : Laurent Esnault
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Sixième(s), Client Laurent Esnault, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Pocket Jeunesse
Client : Arena
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Pocket Jeunesse, Client Arena, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Lübbe
Client : Brigitte Pons
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Lübbe, Client Brigitte Pons, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Dauphin
Client : Herbig
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Dauphin, Client Herbig, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Fleurus
Client : Loewe
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Fleurus, Client Loewe, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Fleurus
Client : Loewe
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Fleurus, Client Loewe, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Verdier
Client : Hoffmann & Campe
Published : 03 2023
Sold to Verdier, Client Hoffmann & Campe, Published  03 2023
Sold to : Eyrolles
Client : Dumont
Published : 02 2023
Sold to Eyrolles, Client Dumont, Published  02 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2023
Sold to : Florent Massot
Client : Edition A
Published : 02 2023
Sold to Florent Massot, Client Edition A, Published  02 2023
Sold to : Edizioni EL
Client : Magnard Jeunesse
Published : 02 2023
Sold to Edizioni EL, Client Magnard Jeunesse, Published  02 2023
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2023
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2023
Sold to : Marix
Client : Felicitas Geduhn
Published : 02 2023
Sold to Marix, Client Felicitas Geduhn, Published  02 2023
Sold to : Emons
Client : Doris Röckle
Published : 02 2023
Sold to Emons, Client Doris Röckle, Published  02 2023
Sold to : Emons
Client : Hannes Nygaard
Published : 02 2023
Sold to Emons, Client Hannes Nygaard, Published  02 2023
Sold to : De Saxus
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2023
Sold to De Saxus, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2023
Sold to : Albin Michel
Client : S. Fischer
Published : 01 2023
Sold to Albin Michel, Client S. Fischer, Published  01 2023
Sold to : Hachette Jeunesse
Client : Loewe
Published : 01 2023
Sold to Hachette Jeunesse, Client Loewe, Published  01 2023
Sold to : Lübbe
Client : Thomas Fraunhoffer
Published : 12 2022
Sold to Lübbe, Client Thomas Fraunhoffer, Published  12 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 11 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  11 2022
Sold to : Kampa
Client : Christof Gasser
Published : 11 2022
Sold to Kampa, Client Christof Gasser, Published  11 2022
Sold to : Michel Lafon
Client : Coppenrath
Published : 11 2022
Sold to Michel Lafon, Client Coppenrath, Published  11 2022
Sold to : Moissons Noires
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 10 2022
Sold to Moissons Noires, Client Rowohlt, Published  10 2022
Sold to : Droemer Knaur
Client : Doris Röckle
Published : 10 2022
Sold to Droemer Knaur, Client Doris Röckle, Published  10 2022
Sold to : Dalva
Client : Dumont
Published : 10 2022
Sold to Dalva, Client Dumont, Published  10 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2022
Sold to : Chora
Client : Droemer Knaur
Published : 10 2022
Sold to Chora, Client Droemer Knaur, Published  10 2022
Sold to : Mediaprint
Client : Magnard
Published : 10 2022
Sold to Mediaprint, Client Magnard, Published  10 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2022
Sold to : Einaudi
Client : Magnard
Published : 10 2022
Sold to Einaudi, Client Magnard, Published  10 2022
Sold to : Minedition
Client : Thienemann
Published : 09 2022
Sold to Minedition, Client Thienemann, Published  09 2022
Sold to : Emons
Client : Hannes Nygaard
Published : 09 2022
Sold to Emons, Client Hannes Nygaard, Published  09 2022
Sold to : Dupuis
Client : Scholastic
Published : 09 2022
Sold to Dupuis, Client Scholastic, Published  09 2022
Sold to : La Joie de Lire
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 08 2022
Sold to La Joie de Lire, Client Rowohlt, Published  08 2022
Sold to : Harper Collins
Client : Fanny André
Published : 08 2022
Sold to Harper Collins, Client Fanny André, Published  08 2022
Sold to : Emons
Client : Christof Gasser
Published : 08 2022
Sold to Emons, Client Christof Gasser, Published  08 2022
Sold to : City
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 08 2022
Sold to City, Client Rowohlt, Published  08 2022
Sold to : Eyrolles
Client : Fanny Gayral
Published : 06 2022
Sold to Eyrolles, Client Fanny Gayral, Published  06 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2022
Sold to : Presses de la Cité
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 06 2022
Sold to Presses de la Cité, Client Rowohlt, Published  06 2022
Sold to : Métailié
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 06 2022
Sold to Métailié, Client Rowohlt, Published  06 2022
Sold to : IGB éditions
Client : Sébastien Garnier
Published : 06 2022
Sold to IGB éditions, Client Sébastien Garnier, Published  06 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2022
Sold to : DTV
Client : Julia Bruns
Published : 06 2022
Sold to DTV, Client Julia Bruns, Published  06 2022
Sold to : Dumont
Client : Julia Bruns
Published : 06 2022
Sold to Dumont, Client Julia Bruns, Published  06 2022
Sold to : Kampa
Client : Christos Markogiannakis
Published : 06 2022
Sold to Kampa, Client Christos Markogiannakis, Published  06 2022
Sold to : Einaudi
Client : Magnard
Published : 06 2022
Sold to Einaudi, Client Magnard, Published  06 2022
Sold to : Michel Lafon
Client : Coppenrath
Published : 06 2022
Sold to Michel Lafon, Client Coppenrath, Published  06 2022
Sold to : Kampa
Client : Julia Bruns
Published : 05 2022
Sold to Kampa, Client Julia Bruns, Published  05 2022
Client : Magnard
Published : 05 2022
Sold to MANN, IVANOV & FERBER, Client Magnard, Published  05 2022
Sold to : Hachette Jeunesse
Client : Loewe
Published : 05 2022
Sold to Hachette Jeunesse, Client Loewe, Published  05 2022
Sold to : HC éditions
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 05 2022
Sold to HC éditions, Client Rowohlt, Published  05 2022
Sold to : Leduc
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 05 2022
Sold to Leduc, Client Rowohlt, Published  05 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Arena
Published : 04 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Arena, Published  04 2022
Sold to : Chora
Client : Droemer Knaur
Published : 04 2022
Sold to Chora, Client Droemer Knaur, Published  04 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2022
Sold to : Le Masque
Client : Dumont
Published : 04 2022
Sold to Le Masque, Client Dumont, Published  04 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2022
Sold to : Sassi
Client : Arena
Published : 04 2022
Sold to Sassi, Client Arena, Published  04 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2022
Sold to : Humensis
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 04 2022
Sold to Humensis, Client Rowohlt, Published  04 2022
Sold to : Piper
Client : Carlo Feber
Published : 03 2022
Sold to Piper, Client Carlo Feber, Published  03 2022
Sold to : Lübbe
Client : Brigitte Pons
Published : 03 2022
Sold to Lübbe, Client Brigitte Pons, Published  03 2022
Sold to : Gallimard Jeunesse
Client : Scholastic
Published : 03 2022
Sold to Gallimard Jeunesse, Client Scholastic, Published  03 2022
Sold to : Jacqueline Chambon
Client : dtv Verlag
Published : 03 2022
Sold to Jacqueline Chambon, Client dtv Verlag, Published  03 2022
Sold to : Dupuis
Client : Scholastic
Published : 03 2022
Sold to Dupuis, Client Scholastic, Published  03 2022
Sold to : Kampa
Client : Carlo Feber
Published : 03 2022
Sold to Kampa, Client Carlo Feber, Published  03 2022
Sold to : Ullstein
Client : Rachel A. Floyd
Published : 03 2022
Sold to Ullstein, Client Rachel A. Floyd, Published  03 2022
Sold to : Hugo Publishing
Client : Scholastic
Published : 03 2022
Sold to Hugo Publishing, Client Scholastic, Published  03 2022
Sold to : Emons
Client : Hanns Nygaard
Published : 02 2022
Sold to Emons, Client Hanns Nygaard, Published  02 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2022
Sold to : Hachette
Client : dtv Verlag
Published : 02 2022
Sold to Hachette, Client dtv Verlag, Published  02 2022
Sold to : Michel Lafon
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 02 2022
Sold to Michel Lafon, Client Rowohlt, Published  02 2022
Sold to : Bragelonne
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2022
Sold to Bragelonne, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2022
Sold to : Chours
Client : Magellan
Published : 02 2022
Sold to Chours, Client Magellan, Published  02 2022
Sold to : J'ai Lu
Client : Fanny André
Published : 01 2022
Sold to J'ai Lu, Client Fanny André, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Minedition
Client : Thienemann
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Minedition, Client Thienemann, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Glénat
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Glénat, Client Rowohlt, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2022
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2022
Sold to : Saga Egmont
Client : Jo Ann von Haff
Published : 12 2021
Sold to Saga Egmont, Client Jo Ann von Haff, Published  12 2021
Sold to : After 8 éditions
Client : The Estate of Piero Heliczer
Published : 12 2021
Sold to After 8 éditions, Client The Estate of Piero Heliczer, Published  12 2021
Sold to : Les Escales
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 11 2021
Sold to Les Escales, Client Rowohlt, Published  11 2021
Sold to : Charleston
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 11 2021
Sold to Charleston, Client Rowohlt, Published  11 2021
Sold to : Mediaprint
Client : Magnard
Published : 11 2021
Sold to Mediaprint, Client Magnard, Published  11 2021
Sold to : Jouvence
Client : Hoffmann & Campe
Published : 11 2021
Sold to Jouvence, Client Hoffmann & Campe, Published  11 2021
Sold to : Harper Collins
Client : Déborah Guérand
Published : 11 2021
Sold to Harper Collins, Client Déborah Guérand, Published  11 2021
Sold to : Droemer Knaur
Client : Thomas Fraunhoffer
Published : 10 2021
Sold to Droemer Knaur, Client Thomas Fraunhoffer, Published  10 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2021
Sold to : Lumen
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2021
Sold to Lumen, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2021
Sold to : Sassi
Client : Arena
Published : 10 2021
Sold to Sassi, Client Arena, Published  10 2021
Sold to : City
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 10 2021
Sold to City, Client Rowohlt, Published  10 2021
Sold to : J'ai Lu
Client : Fanny André
Published : 10 2021
Sold to J'ai Lu, Client Fanny André, Published  10 2021
Sold to : Edizioni EL
Client : Magnard
Published : 10 2021
Sold to Edizioni EL, Client Magnard, Published  10 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 10 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  10 2021
Sold to : Actes Sud
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 09 2021
Sold to Actes Sud, Client Rowohlt, Published  09 2021
Sold to : Droemer
Client : Dagmar Holler
Published : 09 2021
Sold to Droemer, Client Dagmar Holler, Published  09 2021
Sold to : Michel Lafon
Client : Oetinger
Published : 09 2021
Sold to Michel Lafon, Client Oetinger, Published  09 2021
Sold to : Emons
Client : Hannes Nygaard
Published : 09 2021
Sold to Emons, Client Hannes Nygaard, Published  09 2021
Sold to : DTV
Client : Julia Bruns
Published : 09 2021
Sold to DTV, Client Julia Bruns, Published  09 2021
Sold to : Michel Lafon
Client : Scholastic
Published : 09 2021
Sold to Michel Lafon, Client Scholastic, Published  09 2021
Sold to : Larousse
Client : Oetinger
Published : 09 2021
Sold to Larousse, Client Oetinger, Published  09 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 09 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  09 2021
Sold to : Le Quartanier
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 09 2021
Sold to Le Quartanier, Client Rowohlt, Published  09 2021
Sold to : Milan
Client : Scholastic
Published : 08 2021
Sold to Milan, Client Scholastic, Published  08 2021
Sold to : Verdier
Client : Wolfgang Hermann
Published : 08 2021
Sold to Verdier, Client Wolfgang Hermann, Published  08 2021
Sold to : Emons
Client : Christof Gasser
Published : 08 2021
Sold to Emons, Client Christof Gasser, Published  08 2021
Sold to : Lumen
Client : Scholastic
Published : 08 2021
Sold to Lumen, Client Scholastic, Published  08 2021
Sold to : Dargaud
Client : Scholastic
Published : 07 2021
Sold to Dargaud, Client Scholastic, Published  07 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2021
Sold to : City
Client : Christiane Lind
Published : 06 2021
Sold to City, Client Christiane Lind, Published  06 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2021
Sold to : De Saxus
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2021
Sold to De Saxus, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2021
Sold to : J'ai Lu
Client : Fanny Gayral
Published : 06 2021
Sold to J'ai Lu, Client Fanny Gayral, Published  06 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2021
Sold to : Bragelonne
Client : Scholastic
Published : 06 2021
Sold to Bragelonne, Client Scholastic, Published  06 2021
Sold to : Actes Sud
Client : DTV
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Actes Sud, Client DTV, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Sassi
Client : Arena
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Sassi, Client Arena, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Lübbe
Client : Brigitte Pons
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Lübbe, Client Brigitte Pons, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Calmann-Lévy
Client : Droemer
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Calmann-Lévy, Client Droemer, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Heyne
Client : Christian Kuhn
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Heyne, Client Christian Kuhn, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Larousse Jeunesse
Client : Oetinger
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Larousse Jeunesse, Client Oetinger, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Leduc
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Leduc, Client Rowohlt, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Blitz
Client : Udo W. Schulz
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Blitz, Client Udo W. Schulz, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Michel Lafon
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Michel Lafon, Client Rowohlt, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Lumen
Client : Scholastic
Published : 05 2021
Sold to Lumen, Client Scholastic, Published  05 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2021
Sold to : Dumont
Client : Julia Bruns
Published : 04 2021
Sold to Dumont, Client Julia Bruns, Published  04 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2021
Sold to : Hugo Publishing
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2021
Sold to Hugo Publishing, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 04 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  04 2021
Sold to : Demi Lune
Client : Droemer
Published : 04 2021
Sold to Demi Lune, Client Droemer, Published  04 2021
Sold to : Emons
Client : Julia Bruns
Published : 03 2021
Sold to Emons, Client Julia Bruns, Published  03 2021
Sold to : Lumen
Client : Scholastic
Published : 03 2021
Sold to Lumen, Client Scholastic, Published  03 2021
Sold to : Lübbe
Client : Brigitte Pons
Published : 03 2021
Sold to Lübbe, Client Brigitte Pons, Published  03 2021
Sold to : Verdier
Client : Kossack Agency
Published : 03 2021
Sold to Verdier, Client Kossack Agency, Published  03 2021
Sold to : Lübbe
Client : Thomas Fraunhoffer
Published : 03 2021
Sold to Lübbe, Client Thomas Fraunhoffer, Published  03 2021
Sold to : Actes Sud
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 02 2021
Sold to Actes Sud, Client Rowohlt, Published  02 2021
Sold to : Emons
Client : Doris Röckle
Published : 02 2021
Sold to Emons, Client Doris Röckle, Published  02 2021
Sold to : L'Archipel
Client : Schlück Agency
Published : 02 2021
Sold to L'Archipel, Client Schlück Agency, Published  02 2021
Sold to : Emons
Client : Hannes Nyggard
Published : 02 2021
Sold to Emons, Client Hannes Nyggard, Published  02 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2021
Sold to : J'Ai Lu
Client : Fanny André
Published : 02 2021
Sold to J'Ai Lu, Client Fanny André, Published  02 2021
Sold to : Mana
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2021
Sold to Mana, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2021
Sold to : Actes Sud
Client : Hoffmann&Campe
Published : 02 2021
Sold to Actes Sud, Client Hoffmann&Campe, Published  02 2021
Sold to : Gallimard Jeunesse
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2021
Sold to Gallimard Jeunesse, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2021
Sold to : Ecole des Loisirs
Client : Scholastic
Published : 02 2021
Sold to Ecole des Loisirs, Client Scholastic, Published  02 2021
Sold to : Piper
Client : Carlo Feber
Published : 02 2021
Sold to Piper, Client Carlo Feber, Published  02 2021
Sold to : Fleurus
Client : Thienemann
Published : 01 2021
Sold to Fleurus, Client Thienemann, Published  01 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2021
Sold to : Bayard
Client : Thienemann
Published : 01 2021
Sold to Bayard, Client Thienemann, Published  01 2021
Sold to : Gallimard Jeunesse
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2021
Sold to Gallimard Jeunesse, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2021
Sold to : J'ai Lu
Client : Fanny Gayral Fanny André
Published : 01 2021
Sold to J'ai Lu, Client Fanny Gayral Fanny André, Published  01 2021
Sold to : Milan
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2021
Sold to Milan, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2021
Sold to : Glénat
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 01 2021
Sold to Glénat, Client Rowohlt, Published  01 2021
Sold to : Hachette
Client : Scholastic
Published : 01 2021
Sold to Hachette, Client Scholastic, Published  01 2021
Sold to : Le Seuil
Client : Rowohlt
Published : 01 2021
Sold to Le Seuil, Client Rowohlt, Published  01 2021